
Coach Poppy Project

Well as you may have noticed I have some huge Coach Poppy Flowers on the left side of my blog. I recently joined the Coach Poppy Project! So if you want to know more about what all this jazz is just check out the website.

If you want to help my garden grow just tweet something with the hashtag: #Coach Poppy and #beautybeginner . You can do this for any of the participating sites just go ahead and find out what their hashtag is. Also if you want to make everyone's patterns grow just tweet with the hashtag #CoachPoppy to make them all grow!

Are you a blogger yourself, well go ahead and join the poppy project. Also, this site has a really cool feature where you click follow the poppy trail and it takes it to other blogs/websites that have the poppy project in there website. So it's an awesome way to discover cool new blogs. I recently discovered like three and can't wait to find some more blogs to follow.
Oh, and if you see a Coach Poppy Bag in the pattern be sure to click it for your chance to win a special prize. Who knows what it'll be?

So start tweeting and discovering more things on the poppy trail my wonderful readers. Stay Happy!

Check out my YouTube Channel. Follow me for random updates on twitter.
Email me at: beautybeginner@yahoo.com

Peace and Love! <3


  1. Spreading the love! Thanks for visiting my site. I'm officially one of your followers. I suck at makeup so I'm sure I will pick up some pointers from you.
